
Press Release

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January 2, 2020 Press Release

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January 2, 2020

Press Release


The Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority (the “Authority”) is pleased to announce that Barry W. Fick, its Executive Director, has been appointed to two national public finance organization committees. Executive Director Fick has been appointed to a 3-year term on the Committee on Governmental Debt and Fiscal Policy of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The GFOA Committee on Governmental Debt and Fiscal Policy promotes sound financial practices for local and state governments. The Committee works on best practices, actively engages with participants in the market to help develop guidelines and updates for its members and monitors legislative and regulatory activities that impact the ability of state and local governments to borrow in a cost-effective manner. He has also been appointed to the Compliance Advisory Group (CAG) of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB). “The MSRB’s advisory groups provide the organization with another touch-point to the industry and further insight into the municipal securities market,” said Interim Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer Nanette D. Lawson. “We greatly value the contributions of the professionals who volunteer to serve on our advisory groups.” The CAG provides feedback on compliance resources, tools and educational materials to enhance dealers’ and municipal advisors’ understanding of MSRB rules and to assist their efforts in developing effective supervisory and compliance programs. The Authority is an agency of the State of Minnesota. Created in 1971, the Authority assists non-profit higher education institutions in the State of Minnesota with low-cost financing or refinancing capital projects for the benefit of their students, helping lower the cost of higher education.