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Notice of Public Hearing for St. Catherine University

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April 14, 2023




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority (the “Authority”) with respect to a proposal to issue revenue bonds or other obligations on behalf of St. Catherine University (the “University”), as owner and operator of St. Catherine University, in the Red Cap Room of Union Depot Saint Paul at 214 4th Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 2:30 p.m.

Under the proposal, the Authority would issue its tax-exempt or taxable revenue bonds or other obligations in one or more series (the “Obligations”) to finance a project (the “Project”) consisting of  the acquisition, design, demolition, construction, renovation, improvement, furnishing and equipping of various facilities, including (i) Mendel Hall (approximately 36,000 square feet of classroom, labs, office, and common space) on the University’s St. Paul campus, including creating flexible and adaptable spaces, modernizing science teaching spaces, upgrading accessibility, and upgrading infrastructure; (ii) Sister Alberta and Sister Georgia student apartment buildings and Caecilian and St. Mary residence halls, including renewing flooring, plumbing, fixtures, walkways, and community learning spaces; (iii) the Butler Center, including repairs to entrance and renovation of HVAC system; (iv) Whitby Hall, including repairs to building entrance, masonry upgrades, and renovation of simulation classroom lab spaces to accommodate a shared services model of teaching; (v) Fontbonne Hall, including repairs to building entrance, masonry upgrades and renovation of classroom space to support the University’s Fashion Merchandizing program; (vi) certain stormwater infrastructure and drainage improvements (including installation of a drainage pond and new grading) to support the University’s tennis, track and softball programs; (vii) elevator replacement in the Music Building, and (viii) campus wide IT infrastructure improvements.

All the facilities and improvements to be financed by the Project are or will be owned and operated by the University and are or will be located on the University’s main campus, the principal street address of which is 2004 Randolph Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota and the boundaries of which are Randolph Avenue on the north, Fairview Avenue on the east, Bayard Avenue on the south, and Cleveland Avenue on the west.

The Obligations to finance the Project would be issued in an original aggregate principal amount of up to approximately $22,500,000.

Members of the public may also attend by telephone or other electronic means in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D.021. Members of the public may attend the hearing in person at the Union Depot Saint Paul, Red Cap Room, 214, 4th Street, Saint Paul, or by telephone by calling toll-free 1-877-978-6969; Access Code 602-114-696# or by video at https://www.gomeet.com/602-114-696 (requires Google Chrome for best performance). Some members of the Authority may participate by telephone or other remote means.

Written comments may be sent by regular mail to the attention of the Operations Manager at the offices of the Authority at 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 145, Eagan, Minnesota 55121, emailed to info@mnhefa.org, or sent by facsimile to (651) 297-5751.  Anyone requiring an accommodation consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the Authority at (651) 296-4690 at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing to arrange for any necessary accommodations.

For additional information on such public hearing, see the Notice of Public Hearing – St. Catherine University, on the Authority’s website:  mnhefa.org – Recent News.

At said time and place the Authority shall give all parties who appear or have submitted written comments an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project.

Dated:  April 14, 2023

By Order of the

Minnesota Higher Education Facilities Authority

Barry W. Fick

Executive Director